Review. Revise. Revitalize.
HIP Signature Services
Conversational Intelligence
Conversations matter! Yet, many of our discussions go sideways, and we are surprised when the outcomes we thought we would achieve are not what happens. Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ) provides participants with tools and techniques that help them have better conversations. C-IQ has the power to transform conversations, relationships, and organizations. Want to build trust in your team? Help staff communicate more effectively? Transform interactions with clients, partners, or each other? C-IQ tools and techniques can shift communication outcomes.
HIP weaves Conversational Intelligence into all projects and utilizes C-IQ to enhance their own relationships with clients and partners. HIP helps clients enhance their conversational skills by applying C-IQ practices through coaching, training, and workshops. Our C-IQ services help clients to:
Improve internal and external relationships by having different types of conversations.
Gain confidence in their communication when providing feedback, addressing difficult conversations, or simply speaking with a co-worker about current priorities.
Strengthen team dynamics with an easy-to-use framework that helps team members learn about each other, explore what open, honest communication can look like, and examine their own conversational triggers that derail effective communication.
Practice positive, intentional communication with others that build trust based relationships that ease navigating conflict.
Enhance Board Communication by opening up conversations, listening with intent, exploring perspectives with transformative questions, and providing space for diverse ideas.
Coach leadership on interpersonal interactions to build a person-centred learning culture that engages staff, building capacity, and strengthens organizational resiliency.
HIP Partners
As a seasoned entrepreneur, Angie McLeod of HIP Strategic Consulting knows that while her business demands that she have a wide variety of skill sets, she doesn't have to do it all! So, she strategically partners with other entrepreneurs to fill the expertise gaps, access a variety of perspectives, and expand brain power, with an eye to innovative business growth.